
So, my boss asked me to come into work early today to help out with a camp in a language I don't speak. Just like I thought, there really isn't anything for me to do right now and I got up early for no good reason. Good thing I brought my knitting.

Being graduated from Teacher Training is kinda weird. I miss seeing people, and having class (what?!), and practically living at the yoga studio. I don't miss how crazy busy I was, but I do miss the people, and the experience. Also, I realized that the extensions program continuation thing starts the same weekend as the show that I'm ASMing. Problems.

I taught my first French camp over the past two weeks. It was mostly successful. Each of the three kids had their bratty moments, but there were also some really sweet ones that more or less made up for that. I think they all learned a good amount (of course, they could have learned more...) and had fun. By the end of the two weeks I felt like I knew what I was doing and that I actually had the right to call myself a teacher. A teacher in the 'I know what I'm doing in a classroom and can handle the kids and plan lessons that will be effective and not freak out' kind of way.

I killed a fly with my bare hands last night. I feel kinda bad about it, because I've been trying to be yogic and do no harm, but it kept buzzing in my ear while I was trying to go to sleep.

I can't believe how tired I've been lately. I think I need a week off, but I don't think I'll get one. I feel like I've had one gigantic thing after another all summer, starting with finishing with my thesis, then finishing my distance learning class, then teacher training, then french camp, and now ASMing. There have been little breaks here and there, but there's always been some big thing to get done hanging over my head. I guess this is being an adult?

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